I was so captivated by this little market that I was lucky to get away with only spending $7. It's a shame I forgot my camera when I went there because it is absolutely beautiful. I wont bore you with everything they sell because you can explore for yourself on their website linked above.
But I did snap some shots of what I ran away with:

I did manage to restrain myself especially since I was on a very small budget.

This peach yogurt was absolutely sinful. It so was thick and creamy like a tangy custard. I can't wait to go back and try the other flavors.... of which there were many! :)

It's very rare that I purchase or even drink chocolate milk because, well let's face it, it's usually a big ole let down. Most of the choc. milks I have tried couldn't seem to capture the essence of the beverage I so loved as a child. Mostly because the milk isn't thick and delicious to begin with before the chocolate is even added. However this, my friends, totally lived up to the challenge. IT. WAS. AMAZING. And the bestest part ever.... it comes in a glass bottle! You have to pay a deposit of $2.50 but you get it back when you return the bottle, which I have yet to do. (cue sheepish smile)

And then there were these beauties. Farm Fresh Eggs! They were even cleaning off the chicken yuck from them before I purchased. The yolks were fabulous and deep yellow and tasted of happiness. *sigh*
Next time I am going back for the shitake mushrooms and bison meat. You just watch me!