Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Turned 35 Today

Which is proving a lot harder to deal with than 30.  I'm not sure why but there it is.  However, I have a had a very lovely and low-key day.  I worked out, ate well, played Mario Kart with my mother (hilarious!) and went to WW.  I am up 3lbs this week.  I have to say that I am pretty perplexed with this.  I worked out four days last week and both yesterday and today.  My eating has been on point and even though I had a rockin bowling bday party on Saturday I ate very little and didn't drink nearly as much as I thought.  So yeah, not really sure what is going on.

Maybe my body is trying to balance a few things out, maybe aunt flow is coming to town early, maybe Jupiter is aligned with Mars....I don't know.  What I DO know is that I am gonna keep on keepin on because I feel really good.  Working out and eating real whole foods is what my body likes....up 3lbs or not.

Most importantly I would like to thank my friends, family and you, dear readers, for making yet another year so very special and fun.  Mwuah!


Diminishing Lucy said...

Hi Olivia (Love that name - I have a 7 year old daughter called Olivia!)

I just stumbled across your blog - Happy birthday!

I can relate so well to many of your learnings. I am on a similar journey myself - last year I lost not much, but am back on keeping on...

I look forward to following your journey,

Lucy X


girlysmack said...

I have trouble with the 'fives too. I don't know why. No one warned me that might happen...

Hope you have a wonderful year! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday from a new reader! :) You can now run for PRESIDENT!

Super Size Southern Bell said...

I can relate to many of things you've said. I am also on my weight loss journey after some successes and then gaining the weight back. I recently started my own blog to document the journey. I'm looking forward to following you on your journey as well. I wish you much luck!


andi said...

Call me crazy, but 25 was really tough for me. I thought 'oh no, I'm halfway to 50 and that means halfway to OLD!' Now that I'm 35 (welcome to the club by the way) I ralize a couple of things 1-half decades are harder for me too and 2-50 is NOT old!! ha Happy belated birthday.

Amanda said...

I'm turning 35 in July and am very troubled at the thought! 30 was a breeze though... Good to see I'm not the only one (and happy belated birthday!)