Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Radio Silence

Hello Friends!  I don't even know where to begin. The past three weeks have been insane.  Here is a bullet point synopsis of what has been going on:
  • Wedding on 10/15/10
  • Left for Colorado on 10/18/10 (my trip will get it's own post)
  • Finally made it back home from Colorado at 3:30am on 10/26/10, then went to work later that day
  • Halloween festivities (and those darn sneak cocktails!) resulting in a 1.2lb gain at my next weigh in.  :(
  • Monday 11/1/10 my roommate tells me he is moving his girlfriend and her kids in on Friday 11/05/10 (when I asked him to give me this week and next week to move my things out grrrrrrrr....)
  • Worked all week, packed all week, got a storage unit and u-haul
  • Saturday morning/early afternoon went wedding dress and maid of honor dress shopping with one of my besties.
  • Saturday afternoon/evening moved from one house to the other
  • Sunday finished unloading the u-haul, took things to storage and then unpacked my whole life.
  • Monday I cleaned, worked and (praise!) got a massage
  • Working everyday this week including Sunday.
Needless to say I am pretty pooped and very emotional.  I have been feeling so many different things and all at the same time.  Arrrgggghhhh!  I have my weigh in tonight and am pretty sure I gained.  There was some emotional eating involved this weekend. 

On the plus side I have gone to the grocery store and stocked up on low point healthy foods.  I may even be able to squeeze in a couple of walks so I can lose the weight I have put on the past couple of weeks.  I have some thinking to do and new routines to get used to but I know I will make it through and be an even better person for it.


Toni said...

Boy, I thought I was a busy lady! Yikes! You have the right attitude though! Keep up the great work,


FYT614 said...

Take care of yourself. You know that you're emotional and stressed so now you have to focus on making the best choices you can, in spite of it all.

Sometimes, just acknowledging that i'm not really hungry but that I want to use food to make myself feel better about something, helps me to make a different choice. Workout instead of eat, talk to a friend, blog, even watch TV.

Above all, take care of you. You can do it. Just my two cents.

How I'm Losing It said...

Wow! Your schedule sounds more chaotic than mine has been. I totally get the lack of posting, I've been guilty of the same, and for lots of emotional reasons as well. Congratulations on a new place, a new chapter. I hope you get settled in and comfortable! Keep plugging along! That's what I'm trying to do!