Sunday, July 20, 2008

This Book Is A Must Read......

for anyone and everyone who has ever been completely and utterly confused about what to eat. Science keeps changing it's mind about what we can have and what we can't, how much of it and how we can have it. I personally can't keep up with an ever changing list of rules. Which is why I was so drawn to this book. I wont go into great detail but if you have issues with weight, food and health, like I do, then please do yourself a favor and read this.


CindyLou said...

I like Micheal Pollan a lot, but I couldn't help but be really annoyed with him while read "The Omnivore's Dilemma".

Wildflower said...

Another friend has recommended this to me also, and I loved "The Omnivore's Dilemma" which was my intro to Michael Pollan. I will definitely check it out!