A blog about self acceptance, embracing creativity and discovering happiness along the way.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Day 1 Of Getting Back On Track
So in a healthy celebration, my gurl Adrienne and I are going out for sushi. Good for you sushi....okay, maybe 1 shrimp tempura roll but everything else will be divine.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
What's the point of this post you may be asking yourself? The point is that I am starting fresh and new this minute. The one common fact about most weight loss success stories is that they would often lose focus in the beginning but that the point was to never give up. Just start again that very minute. Which is what I have decided to do....right now. I have put the ice cream away, am drinking a large glass of water and getting my game plan straight in my head.
Tomorrow I am starting my day by having a positivity meeting with two of the most amazing women I know while eating healthy and delicious food that is good for my body. Then I will head off to work to be a care provider for my clients. After that I will tra-la-la off to the gym to provide some much needed care for me. I may even get up the courage to get on the scale to see where I stand. Once I hit the grocery store I will start my next 21 day challenge of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.
I just need to remember to stay focused and never give up. Because I am worth it. :)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Reaching My Final Goal
If, no, WHEN I reach my final goal I want the reward to be something so spectacular, so amazing, so unbelievably outrageous that I become addicted to the idea of actually achieving it. It has to be something that I already obsess about, dream about, ache for. So here is what I came up with:
When I reach my goal of 170 pounds I am going on a two week hiking trip through the Scottish Highlands! Now the question is: WHO'S COMIN' WITH ME?! :) Check out this site and this site to get an idea of what I am talking about.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Guess What UPS Just Dropped Off?!
I had decided about a week ago that I would make this my reward for the 21 Day Challenge.
I am so in love with this bathing suit that I am wearing it right now while I type this post.
" All right, Mr DeMille, I'm ready for my close up. "
Sunday, July 20, 2008
This Book Is A Must Read......

Friday, July 18, 2008
Third And Final Effing Week Of The Challenge:
7/13/08gym: 30 min elliptical, 2o min upper body weights, 10 min cool down and stretch
7/14/08gym: 30 min elliptical, 20 min core ball exercises, 10 min cool down and stretch
7/15/08gym: 30 min elliptical, 10 min cool down and stretch
7/16/08gym: 30 min elliptical, 10 min cool down and stretch ( I know it seems repetitive but that is all I have had time for the past week)
7/17/08gym: 30 min elliptical, 10 min cool down and stretch
7/18/08gym: 30 min elliptical, 10 min cool down and stretch DONE!!!!
I did it! I actually freakin did it! In fact I am a wee bit surprised that I didn't make an excuse to not go. I mean there were times when I desperately wanted to, when I had no time for anything else and all I wanted to do was take a nap I still went. I am really proud of myself. And yes I am actually a little teary eyed typing this.
I foresee my next challenge being a bit more "challenging" because it involves food. I have decided to do the 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily 21 day challenge. It is the perfect time of year to do it since the farmer's market is in full swing. I haven't decided on a day to start the challenge yet but I will definitely let you all know. I will also be doing a weigh in sometime next week on the day I feel the lightest. ;)
Thank you all so much for your incredible support and love. I think I would have given up on myself a few times if it hadn't been for you. I love you all!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I Got My Hair Did.......
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The End Is Nigh!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Reasons Why I Want To Lose Weight
- To feel the kind of sexy that healthy and fit people seem to just radiate
- To be able to walk into any clothing store and make cute and sassy apparel purchases
- So that my lower back doesn't constantly hurt
- To do any adventure sport without being completely out of breath
- To feel confident in dating again
- So I can enjoy sex without being self conscious
- To attract an amazing man
- To fit comfortably in an airplane seat
- To look beautiful and graceful dancing
- To feel small and feminine (as much as I can at 5'10)
- So I can comfortably do Yoga
These are just a few I came up with and the closer I get to my goal, the more I hope to come up with so that I can continue to give myself that little extra push.
How about you?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Okay Kiddies, Here Is Week Two Of The Challenge:
7/06/08gym: 30 min. elliptical, 20 min lower body strength training, 10 min cool down and stretch
7/07/08gym: 45 min elliptical, 20 min upper body strength training, 10 min core/ball training, 10 min cool down and stretch
7/08/08gym: 1 hour hip hop dance class
7/09/08gym: 30 min elliptical, 10 minute cool down and stretch
7/10/08gym: hour long hip hop dance class
7/11/08gym: 30 min elliptical, 30 min core ball exercises, 10 min cool down and stretch
This was an incredibly hard week to get through. I have heard that the second week of breaking or forming a habit is hardest but I had no idea how hard. Jeesh! So today officially starts my third and final week of the work out challenge and I am approaching it with mixed emotions. Equal parts excitement and dread.
My dear friend Elisa brought up a very interesting point the other day and suggested that I pick a special reward ( not one I already have listed for lbs lost) for the completion of this challenge. I told her I thought it was a great idea and then proceeded to go completely blank with what that prize should be.
So my questions for you dear readers are:
1.) What should my reward be for the completion of this challenge?
2.) What should my next challenge be?
I am trying to keep momentum and would like to continue challenging myself until my goal is reached. Maybe this one could be a food challenge. Like..... making sure I get 5 fruits and veggies every single day. Especially since this is the season of plenty.
Toodle-loo my little chick-a-dees!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Still Pluggin' Along
I have really started feeling the aches and pains in my body as well. My left knee constantly twinges so I think I need a brace for workouts until I can get the majority of my weight off. Even though I am stretching like a crazy person my calves are on fire. In fact two nights ago I got a charlie horse in the right one. I haven't had one of those in years. Maybe my electrolytes are off or I need more potassium.....I don't know. If you all have any suggestions I would love to hear them.
Now, it's not all been bad. I have started to notice a difference in my clothes. My body seems toner, my skin looks much better... in fact sometimes it looks down right glowy! Plus my exercise high seems to last longer after each workout. Maybe I am starting to develop a habit. Hmmmmm.
How are the rest of you doing out there with your own challenges?
Saturday, July 5, 2008
First 7 Days Of The 21 Day Challenge
I would like to point out that even though I had the hangoverest of hangovers today, I still managed to drag my sorry butt to the gym at 9pm tonight to do 30 min. of elliptical and 10 min. cool down and stretch. I AM WOMAN. HEAR ME ROAR!
6/28/08 gym: 30 minutes Elliptical, and 20 min lower body weights, 10 min cool down and stretch
6/29/08 gym: 30 min. Elliptical, 30 min. water weights
6/30/08 gym: 30 min. Elliptical, 40 min weights, crunches, push ups and cool down stretch
7/01/08 gym: hour long Hip Hop dance class
7/02/08 Gym: 30 min Elliptical, 10 min stretch and cool down
7/03/08 gym: hour long Hip Hop dance class
7/04/08 gym: 30 min elliptical, 15 min core workout, 10 min cool down and stretch
EEK!! It's Swimsuit Season
So in my desperation to try my darnedest to at least look stylish next to them I began BIG GIRL SWIMSUIT HUNT 2008. And this is what I found:

Isn't it just stunning?! It reminds me of a time when sirens of the silver screen came equipped with curves for days and those curves were celebrated if not coveted. So I am saving up my pennies so that I can, at least for one day, feel like Marilyn Monroe.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The 21 Day Challenge
Tonight I have my hour long hip hop class. Tomorrow the gym is open until 2pm so I can get my workout done in the morning and still have time to party. Saturday there is a new dance class I want to take called Zumba and Sunday can be whatever I want. So that will put me at day 9 and then I'll only have 12 days left!
*weeps quietly to herself*
Pray for me.
Any takers out there to doing their own 21 day challenge?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Reward For Reaching Goal # 1

and I couldn't resist picking up OPI's newest editions the Nic's Sticks paint-n-go nail lacquer in I'm Outta Here!
So, you like?